Wild Tide is a proud supporter of the Special Olympics Movement.

This year Wild Tide will be participating in the Law Enforcement Torch Run and partnering with Special Olympics Brunswick County to lead North Carolina in its first and only Inclusion Lacrosse Program.

Wild Tide is a proud supporter of the Special Olympics Movement.

This year Wild Tide will be partnering with Special Olympics Brunswick County to lead North Carolina in its first and only Inclusion Lacrosse Program.

Law Enforcement Torch Run
Special Olympics Movement

We believe in serving our community and encouraging our players to do the same. One way our organization does this is partnering with the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics in Brunswick County.

Wild Tide founding member, Women's Director, and High School Head Coach Rebecca Allen serves on the State Council for the Law Enforcement Torch Run, and is the Torch Run Coordinator for Brunswick County.

Every year our Wild Tide family joins Special Olympics Athletes from Brunswick County and Coach Rebecca's Law Enforcement Family to carry the Flame of Hope from Brunswick County to New Hanover County in the annual “Belville to the Battleship” Torch Run.

The Law Enforcement Torch Run is the number one largest fundraising effort that supports Special Olympics not only here in North Carolina, but Nationwide.

We are proud to say that our athletes, our parents, and our coaches are all a part of this movement.

Beginning 2024, Wild Tide will now partner with Special Olympics Brunswick County to offer the first, and only Inclusion Lacrosse Program in the State of North Carolina!

Interested in Volunteering?
Please reach out to Coach Rebecca, coachallen78@gmail.com

Interested in fundraising or donating to this mission?
Please reach out to our Fundraising Coordinator, janet@BlueCoastRealty.com